Example Code

See more examples here.

Reactive Euler (1D, hyperbolic, S≠0)

We must define our fluxes and source vector:

from numba import njit
from numpy import zeros

# material constants
Qc = 1
cv = 2.5
Ti = 0.25
K0 = 250
gam = 1.4

def internal_energy(E, v, lam):
    return E - (v[0]**2 + v[1]**2 + v[2]**2) / 2 - Qc * (lam - 1)

def F(Q, d):

    r = Q[0]
    E = Q[1] / r
    v = Q[2:5] / r
    lam = Q[5] / r

    e = internal_energy(E, v, lam)

    # pressure
    p = (gam - 1) * r * e

    F_ = v[d] * Q
    F_[1] += p * v[d]
    F_[2 + d] += p

    return F_

def reaction_rate(E, v, lam):

    e = internal_energy(E, v, lam)
    T = e / cv

    return K0 if T > Ti else 0

def S(Q):

    S_ = zeros(6)

    r = Q[0]
    E = Q[1] / r
    v = Q[2:5] / r
    lam = Q[5] / r

    S_[5] = -r * lam * reaction_rate(E, v, lam)

    return S_

Under the Reactive Euler model, \(\mathbf{F}_i\) has no \(\nabla\mathbf{Q}\) dependence, thus F here has call signature (Q, d). Note that any functions called by F or S must be decorated with @nit, as must any functions that they subsequently call.

The numba library is used to compile F and S before solving the system. numba is able to compile some numpy functions. As a general rule though, you should aim to write your functions in pure Python, with no classes. This is guaranteed to compile. It will not produce the performance hit usually associated with Python loops and other features.

We now set out the initial conditions for the 1D detonation wave test. We use 400 cells, with a domain length of 1. The test is run to a final time of 0.5.

from numpy import inner, array

def energy(r, p, v, lam):
    return p / ((gam - 1) * r) + inner(v, v) / 2 + Qc * (lam - 1)

nx = 400
L = [1.]
tf = 0.5

rL = 1.4
pL = 1
vL = [0, 0, 0]
lamL = 0
EL = energy(rL, pL, vL, lamL)

rR = 0.887565
pR = 0.191709
vR = [-0.57735, 0, 0]
lamR = 1
ER = energy(rR, pR, vR, lamR)

QL = rL * array([1, EL] + vL + [lamL])
QR = rR * array([1, ER] + vR + [lamR])

Q0 = zeros([nx, 6])
for i in range(nx):
    if i / nx < 0.25:
        Q0[i] = QL
        Q0[i] = QR

We now solve the system. pde_solver returns an array out of shape \(100\times nx\times 6\). out[j] corresponds to the domain at \(\left(j+1\right)\%\) through the simulation. We plot the final state of the domain for variable 0 (density):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from pypde import pde_solver

out = pde_solver(Q0, tf, L, F=F, S=S, stiff=False, flux='roe', order=3)

plt.plot(out[-1, :, 0])

The plot is found below, in accordance with accepted numerical results:

Reactive Euler detonation wave